This DirectX 12 version of Super Mario 64 comes only a few weeks after a rumors of the game’s Switch port, which is reportedly coming later this year, alongside other Mario games like Super Mario Galaxy. While it’s not confirmed, it’s speculated this new port is a result of the decompiled Super Mario 64 source code that leaked last year. While Nintendo will surely hunt down download links to the game, the sudden release gives players a short window to find the game and download it before it goes away - which is why fans are trying to protect the new PC port by not sharing it on public forums. Instead of announcing DX12 Super Mario 64 and putting out a single level, the creator dumped the entire game online over the weekend with little fanfare.

How do I run it Sorry if I sound dumb but I have no idea how to do this.

“They actually did it the right way,” wrote Reddit user Jadentheman, in response to the fully released project. ago by GamingCacheDirect Where to download the new pc port from I saw the github link but I am a bit confused. Visit the official Nintendo site to shop for Nintendo Switch systems and video games, read the latest news, find fun gear and gifts with a Nintendo twist. The port can be difficult if you don’t know where to look - even most Reddit comment threads won’t link the game. "Unlike other fan-made ports and homebrew games based on Nintendo properties, the Super Mario 64 PC port dropped without advance notice.